


Headed by Dr. Saleem M.S., M.Ch(Ortho), the Department of Orthopaedics at K.M.C Hospital Karaikudi is  concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and nonsurgical means to treat musculoskeletal trauma, spine diseases, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors, and congenital disorders.

Dr. Saleem

Dr. M. Saleem M.B.B.S., M.S., M.Ch.(Ortho)

Chief Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Bavithran

Dr. C. M. Bavithran M.B.B.S., M.S.(Ortho)

Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon

S. No Doctor Name Speciality Qualification Contact Reg No
1 Dr. Muthukumar Balaji Orthopeadics MBBS., D.ORTHO., DNB., 6382159436 133662
2 Dr. Chinna Durai Orthopeadics MBBS., 8940953740 87542

We Provide the highest level of satisfaction care & services to our patients.
+91 9688822044

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